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Texting Conversation b/w Me and My Daughter over Our New Born

Me: Water broke. We are rushing to hospital.
Me: Born safe (with photo).
My daughter: Daddy, Congratulations. He is so cute.
Me: Thanks.
Me: His name is most likely to be MINATO. We just have to figure out Kanji.
Me: He came out so fast. Sprinter.
My daughter: How did the birth process go?
My daughter: How big is he?
Me: Real fast. Doctor came after fully dilated.
Me: Not sure about the numbers.
Me: But he is really healthy.
Me: Like yourself.
My daughter; That is very exciting!
My daughter: how is XXXX(my wife’s name)
Me: She is in good condition.
My daughter: Keep me posted on updates and send more pictures.
Me: 2914 grams.
My daughter: How many pounds is that?
Me: Sorry I do not know. He is now sucking milk.
My daughter; Are you nervous!?
Me: Oh yeah.
My daughter: You will do great daddy.
Me: Thanks (tears from my eyes…).

(a few days later)
My daughter: I wanna see photos!!
(photos sent)

(several days later)
My daughter; Send more pictures!!!
(more photos sent)

(several days later)
My daughter: Please send more photos.
(more photos sent)

(several days later)
My daughter: Can you send more photos.
(more photos sent)

というわけで、みなさま、20年ぶりに再び父親業に復帰することになりました! 頑張ります!!